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STT-1486 Create and update guidance text

Daniel Lyons requested to merge STT-1486-guidance-text into main

This implements the following changes in STT-1486:

Guidance Text for ISRs:

  • If all(Review Types) equal None, "Waiting for role assignments"
  • If any review types of P,S, or T are not equal to Saved/Completed, "Assigned proposal(s) missing comments & score"

Text for Upload Reviews

  • This appeared to already have been done, but we uppercased "CSV."

Guidance text for Consensus

  • If any of my P,S PPR proposals have Review State of Blank, "Proposal(s) missing comments"
  • If all of my P,S PPR proposals have Review State of Saved or Completed but not all are Completed, "Proposal(s) ready to be Completed"

Under the principle of "there is no such thing as a call to no action," we have omitted the following changes:

  • "Ready to Finalize" buttons are already sufficient calls to action that are shown and enabled when they are available and can be run, they do not need big red messages over them saying the same thing
  • Red text saying "No action required" is probably worse than no message, so these cases have also been omitted.

Merge request reports
