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WS-350: Create new capability request version UI

Nathan Hertz requested to merge WS-350-hook-up-file-adding-ui-to-endpoint into main

Changes in this MR:


  • Add new version button/form now successfully creates a new version and adds files to that version
  • Request status page now correctly updates with information from new latest version
  • Modify request-status page to accommodate created-but-not-submitted requests
  • Sandbox no longer submits request; it simply creates it and navigates the user to its request-status page
  • Creating a new version resets state of capability request (does the request itself need a state or is that another thing for just the version to have?)
  • Update e2e tests for new UI


  • Added view_latest_version REST endpoint, which displays the current version of a capability request
  • Removed parameters column from capability_requests table; parameters now referenced using cap_request.current_version.parameters
Edited by Nathan Hertz

Merge request reports
